In January 1937, the Guam Recorder reported that Trinidad T[orres] Calvo and Julia M[illinchamp] Martinez had the honor of being the first Guam citizens to make a regular commercial flight aboard the Hawaiian Clipper from Guam to Manila that departed on January 22, 1937.

Pan Am Clipper


Dela Cruz-Anderson Lineage

Upon a further review of my family tree and records, I found out that I am related to both of them. Apparently, we are all descendants of Doña Josefa Dela Cruz and Don Juan (John) Anderson. Both Tun Da' and Tan Julia are descendants of Juan dela Cruz Anderson and I am a descendant of Jose (Che') dela Cruz Anderson.

Trinidad Torres Calvo (January 6, 1906 – September 18, 1948)

Trinidad Torres Calvo (Source:

Julia Millinchamp Martinez (July 3, 1903 - February 15, 1985)

Julia Millinchamp Martinez (Source: Pacific Daily News)

Historical Big Picture...research in progress

To some at first glance this may not seem like that big of a deal. But in my world there's a bigger historical picture tied to these families that are descendants of my Great-Great-Great Grandparents Josefa dela Cruz and John (Juan) Anderson that I hope to one day better synthesize. For those not familiar with some of my stories, I have bits and pieces that I have previously wrote about so those stories are available here on this project.

Mangåffan Matå'pang

In short, Don Juan Anderson is a Scottishman that arrived in the Mariana Islands in 1819 aboard the French Uranie ship, settled on Guam, and married Josefa dela Cruz. He became the Pilot of the harbor, port for incoming and outgoing ships. Through family lore, Josefa is allegedly a descendant of Måga'låhi Matå'pang.

Somehow Josefa, is related (sister, cousin or niece) to Don Justo Dela Cruz, Captain of the First Company of Spanish Infantry, Secretary to the Governor and the Administrator of the Royal College of St. Jean de Letran. Don Justo is recorded as being a descendant of Måga'låhi Matå'pang.

Through land records we have been able to establish that the Mangåffan Terrao (tied to the Dela Cruz/Cruz) are descendants of Don Justo Cruz. Hence, they are also descendants of Måga'låhi Matå'pang. Still yet, more research work on this effort remains a work in progress...sigh.

Trans-Pacific Trade/Whaling/Migration

Through the Anderson lineage and connection, are the Calvo, Tudela, Castro, Millinchamp, and many others whose names appear in historical documents with regards to key Spanish government positions, trans-Pacific business/trade transactions and events in the 1800's. They all appear to have frequented or were tied to trade and travel throughout the Philippines, Bonin Islands (today known as Ogasawara Islands), sometimes Hawaii/Polynesia and certainly throughout the Micronesian rim. Descendants of some of these family members may have migrated out (for sure in Bonin Island history). Also, there are bits and pieces these stories tied to whaling, Bully Hayes, and blackbirding. If you don't know about the history of the Bonin Islands, Hayes or blackbirding, and Google are your friends that make for quite interesting reads.

It is so exciting and yet quite a challenge to piece all of this together. I have learned the hard way and through this project not to be so quick to discard what may seem to be initially irrelevant, but later a evolves into major and profound piece of information.

Cron Job Starts