CHamoru Clan Names: Based on Animals
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- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
Clan names derived from a name of animal is one of 10 categories of CHamoru Family Clan names, i.e. Kichu (Sargeant fish), Binådu (deer), Karabao (water buffalo), Månnok (chicken). Do you know the history behind how the clan/nickname came about?
Can you name other CHamoru clan names that are derived from a name of animal?
*Heads-up: The 2024 CHamoru Genealogy Workshop Symposium is being planned for Guam sometime in September. Stay tuned!
CHamoru Clan Names: Based on First Names
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- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
First Names and derivatives thereof also evolve into family clan names. For example, Kaila (Micaela), Gollo/Goyu (Gregorio), Eka (Rebecca), and Bittot (Victor).
CHamoru people tend to be crafty in developing nicknames from first names. Some derive from using the latter part of a given name. Granted, there are exceptions, however, this is worth being mindful of since some CHamoru family clan names are derivatives of first names, with some being corrupted pronunciations due to accents and perhaps by some people with speech impediments. This may also further explain (requires more research and data analysis) how some clan names today may be actual derivatives of ancient clan names.
Francisko [sic] becomes Kiko', from the -cisco ending.
Teresa becomes Checha, from the -esa ending.
Miguel becomes Ge', from the -guel ending.
Josefa becomes Epa', from the -efa ending.
Jose becomes Pepe, from the -se ending.
Soledad becomes Da', from the -dad ending.
Jesus become Chu', from the -sus ending.
Rosa becomes Chai, from the -sa ending.
Gregorio becomes Goro', from the -gorio ending.
Maria becomes Lia, from the -ria ending.
Antonio becomes Nono', from the -onio ending.
Remedios becomes Medo', from the -medios ending.
Joaquin becomes Kin, from the -quin ending.
Dolores becomes Lole', from the -lores ending.
Felix become Lele', from the -elix ending.
Ana becomes Nena', from the -na ending.
Tomasa becomes Bacha', from the -masa ending.
Forbes, Eric. 2011. Chamorro Nicknames. Retrieved July 7, 2014 from: http://paleric.blogspot.com/2011/10/chamorro-nicknames.html
Punzalan, Bernard. 2014. I Na'an Manggafan Taotao Haya: Chamorro Family Clan Names. CHamoru Roots Genealogy Project
Ramirez, Anthony "Malia". 1984. Chamorro Nicknames. From Guampedia.com, accessed June 25, 2014: http://www.guampedia.com/chamorro-nicknames/
Topping, Donald M. Ogo, Pedro M. & Dungca, Bernadita C. 1975. Chamorro-English Dictionary. The University Press of Hawaii: Honolulu, Hawaii
CHamoru Clan Name: Bakulo/Bakulu
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- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
The clan name, Bakulo/Bakulu, is a CHamoru word for crutches. It comes from Juan Pineda Torres, who got the nickname after one of his legs was amputated because of a disease. At the time, Torres was the only person in Agat using crutches and thus, became known as Juan Bakulo. (Jess Torres, 1989 and Lourdes Torres Leon Guerrero, 2008.)
I am interested in finding a family member(s) that would like to talk about or even present on this or other family clan names and heritage at the 2024 CHamoru Genealogy Workshop.
Pot fabot, message me or email me: chamorroroots at gmail dot com
CHamoru Clan Names: Derived from Place Names
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- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
The reference of a person or family in a conversation based on a place name is one of several ways place names can become a family clan name. Below are some clan names that are derived from place names or place name reference.
On August 28, 2013, I wrote a blogged one of my observations, titled “Genealogy and Geographical Nodes 1890-1906. I called it “Geographical Nodes,” because I had no other better way of describing it at the time as it relates to genealogy. Every family clan name has a history. These just happen to come from place names to distinguish between one person/family from another during a conversation of and in a specific context.
There are literally thousands of place names throughout each island in the Marianas. Can you name other CHamoru clan names that are derived from place names?
Punzalan, Bernard. 2013. Genealogy and Geographical Nodes 1890-1906. Retrieved from: https://chamorroroots.com/v7/home/topics/taotao-tano/research-tips/genealogy-and-geographical-nodes-1890-1906
CHamoru Clan Name: Batitang
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- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
This is a 1987 article from the Guam Pacific Daily News featuring the Familian Batitang, from Sa’ipan, fishing for atulai. Gathering together to fish is their family tradition. I am curious from the family if they know the history, origins and meaning of Batitang.
What’s your family clan and tradition?
We will be conducting another CHamoru Genealogy Workshop Symposium TBD September 2024 on Guam with a theme/focus on CHamoru family clan names. Start planning and stay tuned for more information as we progress with the planning and organizing of this grand event.
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